Simultaneous and consecutive interpretations or specialized translations from and for people with different languages — versatile freelance translator/interpreter

The fact of growing up multilingual and having studied in Switzerland gave a solid base for polyglot professional activities at a high quality level: starting 1977 as language teacher in the language schools of Bénédict in Zurich and St. Gall (in the language laboratory with five languages at the same time: de, fr, it, en, es) and (1995 till 2003) for Inlingua Rio de Janeiro (de, it, fr, en, pt-br). This has evolved, new fields of activities were opened up:

Simultaneous/consecutive/chuchotage/liaison interpreting in the following language combinations:

  • German ◄► Portuguese <> English <> French
  • French ◄► Portuguese <> English
  • Italian ◄► Portuguese
with extensive experience in
  • video and telephone conferences
  • start-ups and phasing outs of  projects, trainings
  • international conferences, colloquiums, cultural events
  • negotiations in the private and public sector

Translations in the following language combinations and proofreading German texts of human translations:

                     English  French ◄► Portuguese <> Italian Spanish

with the specialization in the domains
  • Medicine, specialized literature and (since 1987) expert reports and findings - also handwritten
  • Technology: norms, guidelines, working and operating instructions, car manufacturing, building
  • Legal translations to German of commercial law matters which correspond to the Swiss Code of Obligations
For more information and free non-binding quotes please contact:, mobile (cell) +55 21 992 498 854 & Skype

Dolmetschen  Interprétations  Interpretazioni     Interpreter  Interpretaciones  Interpretaçôes
Übersetzungen      Traductions       Traduzioni  Translations      Traducciones        Traduções

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